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Ukulele projects

I am finding keen interest in persons around my age in taking up the ukulele. All over town there are uke groups, uke "circles" and even some called Ukulele Orchestras. Some have extensive music background in other instruments, piano, guitar and voice.Others are new to reading and playing any kind of music. I attend three groups regularly. The upshot for me is people want ukes! I haven't built a guitar in over a year but have completed around 30 ukes. These are pretty much "one off" instruments.I buy sets of wood in batches of one or two sets. These may go right into a build or sit in my wood library until the urge to use it comes to me. Often I am pleasantly surprised to find some wood I had forgotten about. Usually I will build a concert and tenor uke at the same time. The construction steps are similar and I can use the templates and moulds for each. The slowest part is always the finish. This can take 2-3 months of spraying, drying, hardening, sanding and more spraying and final buffing out a good shiny finish. Here are some recent ukuleles.

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